Workbook for Makermatic Team Internships

The Makermatic Workbook for Coaches was created to guide other colleges to offer work based learning in their makerspaces. It explains the roles, purpose, materials and activities in each session of the 20 hour team internship in addition to methods for recruiting interns, sample materials and check lists for those guiding the process.

This Makermatic Workbook for Coaches as well as the CCC Maker Makerspace Startup Guide are both open source and can be downloaded from this website on the home page. If you use Makermatic, let us know your results and post on social media with #cccmaker.

Advisory Committee members  believed that the potential of the community college student was under-imagined and suggested that the business community would be willing to engage with college students

In Makermatic, interns representing a wide variety of majors listen to a challenge proposed by a business leader. They go through a facilitated process of problem finding. In teams, students explore possible solutions. At the end, interns present solutions to a business panel. Students gain 21st century skills and work collaboratively to address the challenge. Businesses gain from the students’ unique perspectives and recommendations.

CCC Maker Advisory Committee members  believed that the potential of the community college student was under-imagined and suggested that the business community would be willing to engage with college students, share business problems and benefit from students’ creative solutions.

Makermatic is less time consuming than  traditional internships. In the CCC Maker Makermatic team internship, 20-25 students work with one employer. Businesses that participated in the pilot indicated that they found value in the solutions proposed by the students.

The makerspace offers access to tools, technologies, social connections and instruction in a supportive environment. Students are inspired, develop skills and discover new career opportunities through the makermatic internship.

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