AHC Maker Profile: Trev Passage

a photograph of Trev

Describe the first time you remember making something:
“I remember having Duplo blocks, tinker toys, and oodles of other similar constructables as a child.  The first time I can remember where I felt a sense of accomplishment from making something was a B-52 Bomber model kit that my grandfather got for me.  At the end of the day, I got to run around pretending it could fly–and just a few hours before it was a bunch of plastic in a box.  That really stuck with me.”

Why did you want to get involved in the Allan Hancock College Makerspace?:
“The AHC Library has been putting on its own pop-up makerspaces for a while now.  I remember seeing how excited students were just to be able to make something: ‘you mean I don’t have to pay?’ or ‘It’s free?’ were very common responses when we would have our materials out and ready for use.  Our students are stressed, there is a lot going on in each and every one of their lives–this was a great opportunity to give them some time where they could forget the rest of the world and just build something.”

How long have you been at Allan Hancock College?:
“I interned here while I was at library school, and started part-time in 2015. As soon as a full-time position opened up, I applied and was lucky enough to get a full-time gig at a college I love.”

What courses have you taught/are teaching?:
“I have been lined up to teach LIBR 170 for a few semesters now, but it just hasn’t had enough students to go through.  I do get the opportunity to see other classes for their library instruction session, and if students need to find me, I am in the library most every day.”

What is a favorite quote/animal/color?:
“Do not go gentle into that good night. Rage, rage against the dying of the light.” – Dylan Thomas.

If you had limitless free time, what is another maker hobby you would get into?:
“Blacksmithing.  My dream is to learn to blacksmith, and a former library dean here has been providing a special grant fund to purchase books related to all different types of metalcraft.  Someday, I will get there.”

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